Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Symptoms of Bird Flu

Symptoms of Bird Flu  
by Patsy Hamilton

Although wild birds carry the viruses, they are usually unaffected by symptoms of bird flu. It is domesticated birds (chickens, ducks and turkeys) in which avian flu symptoms cause sickness and sometimes death.

The symptoms of bird flu in domesticated poultry may be mild causing ruffled feathers and low egg production or severe causing disease that affects multiple organs and death in 90-100% of flocks in as little as 48 hours.

It is believed that the degree of difference in avian flu symptoms is related to the strain of the flu virus infecting the birds.

Avian flu symptoms do not usually occur in humans, however 239 confirmed cases have been reported in humans since 2003, according to statistics compiled by the World Health Organization (WHO).

140 deaths worldwide have been attributed to symptoms of the bird flu.
Human cases of avian flu symptoms have been reported in many countries in Asia and the Middle East, but most have occurred in small villages and outlying areas of Indonesia and Vietnam.

Most confirmed cases of avian flu symptoms in humans resulted from contact with infected domesticated birds or contact with surfaces contaminated by the feces and fluids from infected birds.

The symptoms of bird flu in humans are typical flu-like symptoms such as fever, sore throat, cough and muscle aches. But, in some confirmed human cases the symptoms of bird flu have included eye infections, pneumonia, severe respiratory diseases, acute respiratory distress and other severe and life-threatening complications.

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) believes that the wide range of avian flu symptoms in humans may depend on which strain of avian bird flu virus the person was infected with.
Avian flu symptoms alone are not sufficient to confirm the diagnosis of avian influenza in humans or birds, because the symptoms of bird flu are so similar to typical flu symptoms and other viral infections.

In order to make a confirmed diagnosis of avian influenza in humans, a swab of the nose or throat must be taken within the first few days after suspected symptoms of bird flu are noticed or two separate blood tests must be taken to confirm the presence of H5N1.

One of a number of flu viruses that exist among birds. Only H5N1 flu virus is believed to cause the severe avian flu symptoms that have led to death in more than 50% of the confirmed cases.
While highly contagious among birds, avian flu symptoms are not easily transmitted by human to human contact.

The only confirmed cases of avian flu caused by contact with an infected person have been among family members who remained in close contact with the person suffering from the symptoms of the bird flu.

This is unlike seasonal flu and SARS which are highly contagious viruses among humans. The concern over a pandemic (worldwide spread) arises from the fact that viruses mutate. So, if the current avian bird flu virus were to mutate into one that was highly contagious then a worldwide outbreak of avian flu symptoms could occur.

If you do not have contact with birds that are infected with the avian flu virus and you do not take care of people who have contracted the avian flu virus, then you will not develop symptoms of bird flu from the virus as it currently exists.

If the virus should mutate to a more contagious form, you can still protect yourself from severe avian flu symptoms in the same way that you would protect yourself from seasonal flu.

While no one is sure why what appears to be the same virus would cause mild or moderate symptoms of bird flu in some people and death in others, it is known that a healthy human immune system can fight off most any flu bug in 7-10 days

Saturday, March 22, 2008

7 Muscle Building Tips

7 Muscle Building Tips

Here are 7 important muscle building tips that will get you muscular and lean in a short period of time.

Tips 1.

Up the protein. No matter what you hear from studies, doctors, or many times individuals who've never stepped inside a gym, protein does help increase muscle mass. Ask the trainees who have had success in building lean muscle and all will agree you need to increase your protein for muscular results.

Tips 2.

Train heavy but safely. Go as heavy as you can in strict form. You may be able to lift even heavier weight, but you'll likely be compromising your form, making the movement less effective and more dangerous.

Tips 3.

Do big movements for mass. The big movements are the following: Squats, Deadlifts, Dips, Chins. There are others that can be classified as big movements, but these will get you started gaining major muscle.

Tips 4.

Eat meals throughout the day. Keep putting the protein food down throughout the day, preferably every 3 hours. These don't have to be full on meals, but rather can be protein shakes or bars. This will keep your body in a steady muscle building state throughout the day.

Tips 5.

Creatine. Taking creating can improve your strength and lead to greater mass gains. It's not a magic bullet, but it's also not a scam supplement. It can provide good benefits for muscle gain.

Tips 6.

Don't overtrain! Rest! The biggest killer of muscular gains is overtraining. Your body grows during it's recovery or rest period. If you don't allow your body days off from training, then you simply are not allowing your muscles to grow. Taking every other day off from training can be very conducive to gaining more muscle.

Tips 7.

Get on a proven Muscle Building Program! The quickest way to gain muscle in only a few months, is to get on a muscle building program, follow everything it says to do, and watch your body grow. A good program will take all the guesswork out of how to develop the most muscle in the shortest amount of time.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

How To Use Human Growth Hormone, Side Effects

How To Use Human Growth Hormone, Side Effects by Mark Henry

Chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone found in the female body during the early months of pregnancy (it is produced in the placenta).

It is in fact the pregnancy indicator looked at by the over the counter pregnancy test kits, as due to its origin it is not found in the body at any other time.

Blood levels of this hormone will become noticeable as early as seven days after ovulation. The level will rise evenly, reaching a peak at approximately two to three months into gestation.

After this point, the hormone level will drop gradually until the point of birth. As a prescription drug, HCG offers us some interesting benefits.

In the United States, we have the two popular brands, Pregnyl, made by Organon, and Profasi, made by Serono.

These are FDA approved for the treatment of undescended testicles in young boys, hypogonadism (underproduction of testosterone) and as a fertility drug used to aid in inducing ovulation in women.

When prepared as a medical item, this hormone comes from a human origin. Although there is often a fear of biological origin products, there is little research to be found regarding pathogen or sterility problems with HCG.

The problems seen with human origin growth hormone are certainly not to be repeated with HCG, as this compound is obtained in a much different way.

While HCG offers the female no performance enhancing ability, it does prove very useful to the male steroid user.

The obvious use of course being to stimulate the production of endogenous testosterone. The activity of HCG in the male body is due to its ability to mimic LH (luteinizing hormone), a pituitary hormone that stimulates the Leydig's cells in the testes to manufacture testosterone.

Restoring endogenous testosterone production is a special concern at the end of each steroid cycle, a time when a subnormal androgen level (due to steroid induced suppression) could be very costly.

The main concern is the action of cortisol, which in many ways is balanced out by the effect of androgens.

Cortisol sends the opposite message to the muscles than testosterone, or to breakdown protein in the cell.

Left unchecked (by an extremely low testosterone level) in the body, cortisol can quickly strip much of your new muscle mass away

The main focus with HCG is to restore the normal ability of the testes to respond to endogenous luteinizing hormone.

After a long period of inactivity, this ability may have been seriously reduced. In such a state testosterone levels may not reach a normal point, even though the release of endogenous LH has been resumed.

Many who have suffered severe testicular shrinkage may be able to relate, as it is often some time before normal testicle size and feelings of virility are restored if ancillary drugs had not been used.

The excessive stimulation brought forth by administration of HCG can likewise cause the testicles to rapidly return to their normal size and level of activity.

We are not simply looking for it to fix the problem however, as the resulting high testosterone level can itself trigger negative feedback inhibition at the hypothalamus.

Estrogen production is also heightened with the use of HCG, due to its ability to increase aromatase activity in the Leydig's cells.

This is due to the main action of HCG, namely the increase of cycIicAMP (a secondary messenger that regulates cellular activity).

When stimulated by HCG, the ability of the testes to aromatize androgens could potentially be heightened several times greater than normal.

This also may inhibit testosterone production, so we therefore use HCG only as a quick shock to the testes.

The usual protocol is to inject 1500-3000 I.U. every 4th or 5th day, for a duration usually no longer than 2 or 3 weeks.

If used for too long or at too high a dose, the drug may actually function to desensitize the Leydig's cells to luteinizing hormone, further hindering a return to homeostasis.

Timing the initial dose is also very crucial. If your were coming off a cycle of Sustanon for example, testosterone levels in your blood will likely stay elevated for at least 3 to 4 weeks after your last injection.

Taking HCG on the day of your last shot would therefore be useless.

Instead one would want to calculate the last week in which androgen levels are likely to be above normal, and begin ancillary drug therapy at this point.

In this case HCG would be started around the third or fourth week.

Likewise, after ending a cycle of Dianabol (an oral) your blood levels will be sub normal after the third day.

Here you may want to begin HCG therapy a few days before your last intake of tablets, giving it a few days to take effect.

One would also want to give some thought to the level of suppression that the cycle might have brought about.

After an 8 week cycle of Equipoise for example, 1500-2500 I.U. would likely be a sufficient initial dosage.

The lower amount of hormonal suppression one associates with this drug would probably not require much more.

On the other hand, 750-1000mg of Sustanon per week might incline the user to inject a much larger HCG dose, perhaps as much as 5000 I.U. for the opening application.

It may thereafter also be a good idea to reduce the dosage on subsequent shots, so as to step down the intake of HCG during the two or three weeks of intake.

As discussed above, HCG acts only to mimic the action of LH.

It is likewise not the perfect hormone to combat testosterone suppression, and for this reason it is used most often in conjunction with estrogen antagonists such as Clomid, Nolvadex or cyclofenil.

These drugs have a different effect on the regulating system, namely inhibiting estrogen-induced suppression at the hypothalamus.

This of course also helps to restore the release of testosterone, although through a much different mechanism than HCG.

A combination of both drugs appears to be very synergistic, HCG providing an immediate effect on the testes (shocking them out of inactivity) while the anti-estrogen helps later to block inhibition on the hypothalamus and resume the normal release of gonadotropins from the pituitary.

The typical procedure involves giving the Clomid/Nolvadex dose from the start with HCG, but continuing it alone for a few weeks once HCG has been discontinued.

This practice should effectively raise testosterone levels, which will hopefully remain stable once Clomid/Nolvadex have been discontinued.

While unfortunately there is no way to retain all of the muscle gains produced by anabolic steroids, using ancillaries to restore a balanced hormonal state is the best way to minimize the loss felt with ending a cycle.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

6 Potentially Dangerous Weight Training Exercises

6 Potentially Dangerous Weight Training Exercises by Luke Johnstone

There are many weight training exercises recommended today that are potentially dangerous.

These exercises are still being prescribed simply because of word of mouth, ignorance, and unfounded generalisations passed down from generation to generation.

However, many scientific studies, along with the basic laws of anatomy and physiology prove that many of these exercises are not only ineffective, they are potentially dangerous.


The leg extension is a classic example of an isolated exercise. (Stimulates only one muscle). It is not a functional exercise that is performed in our daily activities. The actual movement draws the patella (knee cap) back onto the femur (thigh bone) causing a grinding type motion. This causes anterior knee pain, which is the most common place for knee pain. A very good reason why this exercise should be avoided. Tests have also proved that they aren’t merely as effective at stimulating the quadriceps as compound lifts, such as squats, leg press and lunges.


This weight training exercise places the shoulder joint in its least stable position, which makes it susceptible to injury. This shoulder positioning is also ineffective in creating maximal force about the shoulder joint. Compound exercises like, dips, push ups or the bench press are much safer and more effective alternatives.


This exercise, because of the dysfunctional range of motion, puts a lot of stress on the intervertebral discs of the lumbar region. Isolating the back muscles, by not letting the ab muscles support in the exercise is potentially dangerous. To improve your back strength and decrease back pain, it would be a lot more beneficial to strengthen your abdominal muscles. The erector spinae muscles this weight training exercise aim to strengthen are rarely weak. They are used all day long to maintain posture and carry out activities.


The starting position is very unstable for the shoulder joint. The shoulders are placed in their weakest position. The range of motion during this weight training exercise places the shoulder in a position that can cause impingement of the rotator cuff. The poke neck posture also encourages rotator cuff impingement. Lifting weight while having this poked neck posture also puts a lot of undue stress on your cervical spine (neck vertebrae). These stresses can be a lot worse in people who have bad posture, lack shoulder flexibility and have poor control of their scapula (shoulder blades).


This weight training exercise is very similar to the shoulder press. Hence the problems are the same, rotator cuff impingement and stress on the cervical spine. This exercise is also very easily performed incorrectly if you lack flexibility in the shoulder joint. This can drastically increase the risk of injury to the neck and shoulders. A much better weight training exercise would be to do close grip lat pulldowns to the front, pulling it down to your collarbone.


Just like the leg extension, hamstring curls are also extremely dysfunctional. When would you perform this movement in real life? Your legs are built to work as one collective unit. The joints and tendons of the knee (Or any other joint for that matter) are simply not built to be isolated then overloaded with weight. Hamstring curls, pulls the tibia back onto the femur, putting a lot of strain on the knee joint. A much better way to train the hamstrings is the way they are meant to function, by extending the hip. Much more efficient exercises would be squats, lunges or deadlifts.

Based on sound, scientific principles, these 6 weight training exercises increase the risk of sustaining an injury. So do yourself a favour and stop doing them. There are plenty of alternatives that are not only safer, but deliver better results

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Battling Bone Cancer

Battling Bone Cancer by Sharon A Bell

Myeloma is a type of cancer in which abnormal cells destroy normal tissue. This results in extremely fragile bones and intense pain.

This condition, which is also known as Kahler's disease, is common in adults between the ages of 50 and 70. More men than women suffer from the disease.

There are many kinds of myeloma. But the tumor is often grayish red and appears in the ribs, pelvic bones, and the bones of the skull.

"The main symptom is bone pain, which seems to worsen at night. Back pain is often present. Bone fractures may occur.

Abnormal bleeding, difficulty in urination, anemia, a tired feeling, painful swelling on the ribs, and susceptibility to infections are all possible symptoms," according to Marion Morra & Eve Potts in "Choices: Realistic Alternatives in Cancer Treatment."

"Since the bone marrow is producing fewer oxygen-carrying red blood cells and disease-fighting white blood cells, myeloma patients are often anemic and susceptible to infections such as pneumonia.

As the plasma cells act against the bone tissue, calcium is released sometimes in amounts exceeding the kidney's capacity to dispose of it. The patient may become weak, nauseated, and disoriented," they added.

To diagnose myeloma, the doctor may require x-ray studies to reveal destroyed bone parts. Blood and urine tests can detect abnormal proteins that indicate the presence of the disease.
Treatment of multiple myeloma depends on the extent of the disease.

Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are often used to relieve symptoms and repair bone damage. Exercise and adequate fluid intake are important to prevent immobilization and calcium imbalance. Back braces may help keep the patient active.

"Radiation therapy may be used on specific parts of the back and neck to relieve pain and help repair bone damage. The tumor cells usually decrease in number at a rapid rate during the first few months of treatment, and the patient may go into remission.

When a complete remission occurs, there is a complete return to a state of normal good health. The symptoms disappear, the physical findings become normal, and abnormal cells are no longer found in the bone marrow and blood," Morra and Potts said.

Sometimes the remission is only partial, and one or more signs of myeloma may not disappear completely. Examination of the blood, urine, and bone marrow at regular intervals allows the doctor to follow the course of the disease and to select the proper treatment," they concluded.

To strengthen your body, take Immunitril - your first line of defense in maintaining a healthy immune system

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Dandruff – Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Dandruff – Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Dandruff is a very common problem indeed, that of flakes falling from the scalp every time a person combshis/her hair or rubs the head.

Dandruff is caused by a commonyeast cell pityresporen ovale which causes an inflammation of the scalp, making it shed flakes. Dandruff is a very common sclap problem.

A morbid condition of the sclap is the emergene of Dandruff which is caused by the excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands. Symptoms of Dandruff

Some sign and symptoms related to Dandruff are as follows:
• Skin affected by seborrhoeic dermatitis is usually red and greasy with a white or yellowish flaky scale.
• Cradle cap (seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp).
• There is sometimes itching or soreness and the scalp can feel tight.
• Scalp ringworm (tinea capitis): This highly contagious fungal infection occurs primarily in children younger than age 10.
• Psoriasis. This skin disorder causes an accumulation of dead skin cells that form thick silvery scales.

Treatment of Dandruff Here is list of the methods for treating Dandruff:
• Anti-Dandruff shampoos containing the antimicrobials selenium sulphide (eg Selsun ) or zinc pyrithione are helpful for mild Dandruff.
• Shampoos with coal tar (some brand names: DHS Tar, Neutrogena T/Gel, Polytar) may be used 3 times a week.
• Corticosteroid cream or lotion.
• Mix 8 tbsp. peanut oil with the juice of half a lemon. Rub the mixture into your hair, leave on for 10 minutes and then wash as usual.
• Antifungal shampoo containing ketoconazole (eg Nizoral Dandruff shampoo ) provides a mild, yet effective treatment for Dandruff.

What causes Dandruff?
Dandruff is caused by micro-organism called pityrosporum-ovle which are present in every body's scalp.

Symptoms of Dandruff get aggravated when exposed to dust, UV light, harsh chemical based shampoo, hair dyes etc., this results in increase in number of microbes which causes unhealthy residue over the scalp which leads to Dandruff, which is the cause of unhealthy, lifeless hair and may result in excessive loss of hair too.

Followings are also responsible for Dandruff:-
1. Heredity
2. Lack of proper Diet
3. Environment
4. Dry or Greasy Scalp is etc.
5. Stress, anxiety and tension.

Home remedies for Dandruff Cure and Treatment:
1. Oil your hair with pure warm coconut oil and apply juice of half a lemon onto the scalp.
2. Massage the scalp with almond oil and steam bathe your hair. Steam bath is taken by dipping the towel in boiling water and wrapping it around the hair, like a turban. Do not let the corners of your towel be wet, so that you can hold them. When your towel gets cold, repeat it thrice or four times. Steaming opens the scalp pores and increases the capacity of the hair to absorb oil at its roots.
3. You can also take a spoonful lemon juice, mix it with two spoonfuls vinegar and massage on the scalp. Wash your hair with an egg shampoo.
4. Take on part almond oil, and pure sulphur in same quantity, mix and add 'surgical spirit' in the quantity equal to the above two. Put four parts distilled water or rose water and rub on the scalp. An Effective home remedy for Dandruff

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

How to Boost the Immune System

How to Boost the Immune System by eHow Health Editor

Inside your body is an immune system that is ready to defeat any single threat to the body's existence. If you are healthy, the immune system is successful, working hard seven days of the week. You cannot live without your immune system. Learn about boosting your immune system to improve your body's ability to fight disease

Eat Healthy and Low-Fat Foods

Step 1:
Learn to like foods that boost your immune system like apples, oranges, leafy greens, broccoli, cantaloupe, brown rice and olive oil. Take a look at your food intake by listing the types of food that you eat each day. See if you can consume healthier food.

Step 2:
Eat vegetables, whole grains, beans, fruit, leafy greens and roots to build your body's ability to protect itself from becoming sick. Include fish and poultry in your diet because these foods give the body strength.

Step 3:
Stay away from high-fat desserts. Having a desert occasionally on special occasions is okay. Avoid deserts every day of the week or even three times a week. A consistent intake of high-fat diet food guarantees a decline in the body's immune system and eventually the start of a serious illness.

Step 4:
Cut down on dairy products, large quantities of red meat and eggs because these foods contain fats that are not easily digestible. Reduced fat in your diet will help reduce the changes of wearing the body down so it's defenses are weak.

Step 5:
Evaluate your eating habits in about two weeks to determine your progress on eating healthier foods.

Step 6:
Study and understand the importance of balancing your intake of vitamins and minerals. Too much of a good thing can cause an imbalance and thus the vitamins and minerals cannot perform their jobs to help protect you.

Consider Medicinal Herbs, Spices and Cancer-Fighting Foods

Step 1:
Take garlic because it is the powerful health enhancer. Many natural-health practitioners deem garlic as the cure-all plant. Its strong properties protect and stabilize the immune system when taken over a long period.

Step 2:
Drink green tea and black tea because they contain antioxidants, bioflavonoids, tannins and indoles. All of these antioxidants have proved to fight cancer.

Step 3:
Commit to learning about the use of medicinal plants from a traditional outlook. For centuries plants have been a natural resource for curing or easing body ailments due to the reduction of the immune system. Getting back to medicinal plants brings you closer to the natural process to help keep the body healthy.

Exercise to Build a Defense System
Step 1:
Walk 4 times a week, or if you are in better shape, jog 4 times a week for at least 30 minutes. Sweating and keeping the body moving and functioning beyond the normal daily routine boosts the immune system.

Step 2:
Start exercising if you don't exercise now. Keep in mind the benefits that result in simple starting an exercise program

Monday, March 10, 2008

How to Get Rid of Red-Eye in Photographs

How to Get Rid of Red-Eye in Photographs by eHow Electronics Editor

Red-eye occurs when the camera flash reflects the blood vessels of the retina into the lens. Here are some ways to prevent and remove this devilish effect

Step 1:
Purchase a special pen that reduces red-eye from a photography shop. Draw over the red-eye on your photographic prints to reduce the red-eye effect.

Step 2:
Or scan the picture into your computer and use image-editing software to fix the red-eye. Most such programs have a feature especially designed for this purpose. You can remove the spinach caught in your subject's teeth while you're at it.

Step 3:
Bring the photograph to a photo-editing shop if you do not have a scanner and image-editing software.

Preventing red-eye

Step 1:
Try to put distance between the camera's lens and flash to reduce red-eye. If possible, hold the flash an arm's length from the camera or point the flash toward a white surface, such as a wall, so the flash does not flood the subject's eyes.

Step 2:
If the flash is immobile, reduce the size of the subject's pupils by turning on bright lights or by shining a bright light briefly in the person's eyes prior to taking the picture.

Step 3:
Use the red-eye reduction feature available on many cameras. This feature constricts the pupils with a series of low-level flashes prior to taking the picture.

Step 4:
Put tissue paper or a white filter over the flash to diffuse its brightness. The tissue paper shouldn't come into direct contact with the hot flashbulb. Some camera shops sell flash diffusers

How to Tell the Truth

How to Tell the Truth by eHow Parenting Editor

Telling the truth is a very important trait, and you should teach your children to tell the truth all the time.

They can avoid misunderstandings and complications later in life if they are taught that telling the truth is always the best way to deal with situations.

Truth is a virtue. When people avoid being truthful, it can lead to numerous other lies and complications

Step 1:
Tell your kids to always tell the truth to avoid more lies from the beginning. Telling the truth can help them understand a situation better. If the truth is stated from the beginning, then there will be no problems or future white lies.

Step 2:
Teach your kids to look people in the eyes. When we look at someone in the eyes and speak, our words are respected and valued. Eye contact is very important when communication and telling the truth.

Step 3:
Teach your kids to let go of fear whenever possible. Letting go of fear can prevent lies from happening. Lies are usually created from the fear of being discovered.

Step 4:
Talk about worries with your children. Speak freely with them and teach them that it is better to speak openly about worry, fears or concerns instead of hiding their feelings with lies.

Step 5:
Speak honestly with your child. If they ask you something, answer them honestly and with the same respect you would ask for. Children that are spoken to honestly usually find it easy to accept the realities of the world and to tell the truth.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Amazing Fish Oil Health Benefits

Amazing Fish Oil Health Benefits by Oktay Özadam

You surely have heard about the various health benefits of fish oil. The said health benefits are wide-ranging. They include just about all body parts - starting from the brain to the heart, from the skin to the stomach

The health benefits of fish oil can be attributed to its Omega-3 content. This is an essential fatty acid Which is very important for bodily functions to proceed as expected. So, what health benefits of fish oil are we talking about

Promotes a healthy heart. Omega 3 in fish oils can offer wonderful benefits to the heart, veins and arteries. They help lower levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. Omega-3 in fish oil also is seen to lower the chances of of stroke and heart attack

Wards off symptoms of depression and psychosis. Omega 3 is a very promising treatment to combat depression and reduce the psychosis symptoms. Omega-3 in fish oil is even reported to be a good substitute for anti-depressants

Improves memory function and brain efficiency. Scientific studies have proven effective omega 3 is in enhancing the function of the nervous system and the brain. In the same way, fish oil also lessen the risk of Alzheimer's and other conditions related to memory loss

Enhances the immune system. Fish oils help increase your resistance to diseases. The fatty acids contained in fish oils enhances the body's resistance from the virus, bacteria as well as other disease causing factors. Reduces the risk of cancer. Omega 3 may have the ability to reduce the chances of of prostate, breast and colon cancer - three of the most widespread cancers today.

Fish oil does this by defeating the cancerous tumors, stopping the alteration of healthy cells, and inhibits unwanted cellular growth.Reduces pain and inflammation. Omega 3 are seen to have anti-inflammatory properties which can alleviate pain and inflammation. This can be very important for those who suffer from conditions such as psoriasis, arthritis and gout.Other health benefits. Omega 3 has also been discovered to work in reducing acne. It promotes healthy skin and delay signs of aging. For children, omega 3 is believed to enhance learning, appease ADHD symptoms and improve language skills.

More and more health benefits of fish oil get discovered everyday. Interestingly all these fish oil benefits are not merely claimed benefits. Almost, if not all of them have been determined through research and years of clinical studies.Now that you already know just how good fish oil benefits are to your health, you probably may want to kick off your diet with more fish. Or for best results, why not go for a fish oil supplement and make the most of all these health benefits

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Multiple Sclerosis: An Unpredictable Disease

Multiple Sclerosis: An Unpredictable Disease by Sharon Bell

In some people, it is a mild illness. In others, it can lead to permanent disability. This is the nature of multiple sclerosis, an unpredictable disease that affects 300,000 people in the United States alone.

Myelin is a fatlike substance that covers the nerve fiber found in the brain and spinal cord. It is an essential part of the nervous system since it enables the nerves to carry electrical impulses to and from the brain where they can be acted upon by the appropriate part of the body.

In multiple sclerosis (MS), myelin is damaged for unknown reasons. As a result, normal nerve impulse transmission is impaired and the person experiences a variety of symptoms depending on which part of the brain and spinal cord is affected.

"An electrical short circuit develops, and normal electrical impulses cannot be carried by the nerves. The type of symptoms that result depends on where in the brain and spinal cord this process takes place, but usually, multiple sites are involved.

Myelin has some ability to repair itself, but with repeated attacks of inflammation, scarring (sclerosis) takes place and per¬manent loss of function may result," according to Dr. Timothy A. Pedley in “The Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons Complete-Home Medical Guide.”

MS is believed to be an autoimmune disorder wherein the body develops antibodies to attack myelin. Some say a virus is behind this disorder. The victims fall between the ages of 20 and 40, and are usually women.

Symptoms may appear slowly or rapidly and the dis¬ease may disappear from time to time.In the early stages, MS may be marked by blurred or double vision, difficulty walking, weakness, numbness or a tingling sensation.

Later, the patient may suffer from tremors, loss of bladder or bowel control, diffi¬culty speaking, and impotence."It is not possible to provide a typical picture of multiple sclerosis. Some of the common symptoms, however, include loss of vision in one eye, double vision, loss of coordination and trembling of a hand, instability in walking, spasticity, loss of bladder con¬trol, and peculiar spontaneous sensations such as pins-and-needles feeling over part of the body, called paresthesias.

At first the patient may have only intermittent symptoms. Since the physical examination at this stage may be completely normal, the patient's complaints may be dismissed initially as 'pyschosomatic' or 'hysterical,’” Pedley explained.

While some patients may recover dramatically, MS is an incurable disease and the survival rate of sufferers can fall anywhere from a few weeks to 50 years. For relief of symptoms, the doctor may prescribe cortisone drugs together with physical therapy to retain muscle function."

Adequate rest and sleep are important. Complications such as bed sores, contractures, spasms, and blad¬der and kidney infections can usually be prevented with physiotherapy and good nursing care. Excessive heat should be avoided.

Psychotherapy may help in re¬habilitation. Very strenuous and fatiguing exercise is not beneficial and may be harmful," said Kurt Butler and Dr. Lynn Rayner of the University Of Hawaii in “The Best Medicine.”To strengthen your body, take Immunitril – your first line of defense in maintaining a healthy immune system

Monday, March 3, 2008

Medical Cure For Hair Loss

Medical Cure For Hair Loss by Sander Bel

Hair loss is a sign you are lacking vitamins in your diet, but has nothing to do with meal schedules. It's a 100 strands per day and wearing your hair really tight pulls on the hair and it breaks off and ends on the floor.

Each individual hair survives for an average of 4-1/2 years, during which time it grows about half an inch a month. Usually in its 5th year, the hair falls out and is replaced within 6 months by a new one. Genetic baldness is caused by the body's failure to produce new hairs and not by excessive hair loss

Poor diet will affect your hair as well as stress such as tight pony tails and braids. Well weight loss and anxiety can cause hair loss, but a few strands isn't really much to worry about. If you are concerned, though, you can part your hair and see if the gap is wider than is used to be.

When you get into your 20's you will have some hormonal changes too... so that could cuase some hair loss. If you are really anxious about this, go to your doctor to discuss this issue

Early hair loss is a sign of poor nutrition. As hair is comprised largely of keratin protein, then ample protein levels must be guaranteed. This can be obtained by eating beans, seeds, grains, tofu, sprouts, and fish. Minerals are also required for hair maintenance.

The most abundant sources of minerals int he plant kingdom are found in sea vegtables: for example nori, hijiki, arame and wakem for their calcium, and dulse for its iron content. Add themin small amounts (1/4-1/2 oz dry weight) to soups, salads and casseroles 3-4x a wk. Silica, shich forms part of the starches that make up hair, is found in common vegetables such as onions, garlic, green leafy vegetables, carrots, cucumbers, and bell peppers and most sprouted seeds.

Hair falls due to genetic reasons, stress, pollution, thyroid imbalance, chemicals in hair styling products and lack of proper nutrition.

Home remedies are cheap , natural and without any side effects. Some of the home remedies for treating hair fall are:

1.Apply the white of a raw egg on the hair for 30 minutes, and then wash it off with a shampoo. A mixture of lemon juice and egg white could also be used to strengthen the roots of hair.

2. Massage the head with oil for 15-20 minutes and then rinse with a shampoo. A hot oil massage with olive oil will also help.

3.Apply a mixture of lemon juice and juice of amla to the scalp. This also helps control dandruff in the hair

4. Boil neem leaves in water for an hour and let it cool. Wash the hair with this water. Alternately neem oil can be mixed with coconut oil and massaged where there is hair fall

5. The juice of fresh coriander can be massaged onto the scalp will reduce hair loss.

6. Ensure that you eat nutritious food, with plenty of leafy vegetables. Have a soya milk drink and multivitamin tablets if you do not have time to have a healthy breakfast

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Psychology Today- The Benefits of Dream Interpretation

Psychology Today- The Benefits of Dream Interpretation by Christina Sponias

A research in the unknown region of the psychic sphere that was performed using dream interpretation discovered the existence of a wild side in the conscience, which functions independently and constantly influences the conscience in order to destroy it through craziness.

It was also discovered that the unconscious that produces our dreams is saintly and its wisdom is beyond any doubt. If we learn to translate the dream images into words, we can understand the messages sent by the unconscious to protect and cure us from depression and any mental illness, eliminating the danger of craziness and despair forever.

Our dreams are alive-they contain important messages that should be deciphered so that we may be protected from our enemy, the anti-conscience. Most mental illnesses cause violent reactions exactly because when the anti-conscience dominates us, we become violent.

The solution to eliminate the dangerous influence and constant attacks of the anti-conscience is dream interpretation on a regular basis. This can help in transforming this part of the psyche into a positive part of the conscious.

The communication of the dreamer with the unconscious is the reward for his or her occupation with dream messages and their translation.

The cold and impersonal attitude that the common psychotherapists of today adopt is substituted by the warmth and wisdom of the unconscious.

The dream symbols explain a hundred things at the same time and we suddenly understand why our lives took this particular direction and how to evolve and develop all our capacities.

This vision and comprehension cannot be compared to the narrow concepts of the several ramifications of psychology in our days, and all of them are limited by human ignorance.

The wisdom of the unconscious is responsible for the existence of wisdom in human history, and in personalities that have managed to win the anti-conscience and evolve beyond the limits of their civilization and time.

Because of these rare examples in history, we have proof that the one who decides to follow the path that leads to the truth and real wisdom, discovers the treasures of health, peace and happiness.